Title: Huwa Muhammad by Salam Series: A Must-Read Book About the Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Description: Discover the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the eyes of Salam Series' beautifully illustrated book, "Huwa Muhammad". This book is an excellent resource for readers of all ages who want to learn about the Prophet's life, teachings, and impact on history. From his birth in Mecca to his prophethood, migration to Medina, and the establishment of Islam, "Huwa Muhammad" is a comprehensive guide to the life of the last Prophet.
Order your copy today and experience the beauty of Islam's history.
Huwa Muhammad
Muslim Mommy Blog:
"From the moment I picked up this beautiful new board book, I knew I was going to love it!! The high quality beautifully illustrated cover sparkled back at me in that gorgeous dark green color commonly associated with the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) Masjid.⠀⠀I loved their first book, and this one was another absolutely amazing book affirming Aqeedah by instilling the love of our beloved Messenger in young minds and hearts.⠀⠀Just like the first, this book is in both English and Arabic and I love this bilingual aspect that helps children learn both languages. The font is big and clear and the harakat of the Arabic make it easy to read.⠀⠀The book covers the beautiful qualities of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), like his merciful nature, his kindness to the young, his generosity, and his caring of the old. Each page covers a quality and illustrates it through images, but without any of the Prophet (pbuh).⠀⠀The book begins with a duaa and ends with information about the Prophet (pbuh) and is a wonderful resource for young ones.⠀